Betriebsfertige IT-Lösungen – von der Beratung bis zum GoLive

Immer komplexer werdende Prozesse, die Notwendigkeit der Digitalisierung des Arbeitsplatzes oder die zunehmende Anzahl an Cyberbedrohungen verlangen nach modernen IT-Infrastrukturen, in denen Hard- und Software-Komponenten optimal implementiert und aufeinander abgestimmt sind. Mit der EVIATEC Group haben Sie die richtigen Partner an Ihrer Seite, um den Weg der digitalen Transformation zu beschreiten. Die Unternehmen der EVIATEC Systemhausgruppe schaffen einen hohen Nutzen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, indem sie Produkte und Dienstleistungen für den Einsatz von Informationstechnik zu intelligenten Lösungen verknüpfen. Nach dem Grundprinzip: Analysieren, Planen, Realisieren und mit der Expertise aus über 20 Jahren Erfahrung bieten wir unsere Leistungen in Deutschland, Skandinavien sowie der Schweiz an.

Location Germany

As a successful IT system house, EVIATEC offers 360-degree service for all aspects of information and data processing. With around 20 years of experience, we are a reliable partner and employer in the Stuttgart region. At the same time, we have the innovative power and the working environment of a fresh start-up. As a leading provider in the field of CS3 – Consulting, Systems, Services & Solutions – our goal is to increase the effectiveness of your company through intelligent IT. Your individual requirements and wishes are the measure of all things. You give us a task – we find the right solution. From analysis and consulting to the right hardware and software, apps, managed services and cloud solutions to function monitoring, maintenance and updates.



Phone: +49 (7141) 91 30 99 0
Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Fax: +49 (7141) 91 30 99 500
Email: info(at)eviatec.de


Monreposstrasse 57
71634 Ludwigsburg


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Location Switzerland

Start the digital future with us. EVIATEC Digital Solutions creates sophisticated IT solutions for medium-sized companies in Switzerland – with vision, creativity and know-how. Through the strategic use of IT, we ensure greater efficiency, flexibility and cost-effectiveness in your company. In this way, we achieve competitive advantages and lay the foundation for your sustainable business success.



Phone: +41 (31) 370 76 65
Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Email: info(at)eviatec.ch


EVIATEC Digital Solutions AG
Uferweg 17
3013 Bern


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Location Denmark

In the course of the further development of EVIATEC Systems AG and the eurpäisation of our range of services, EVIATEC Systems AG founded the Danish subsidiary Eviatec Scandinavia ApS based in Brøndby. The wide range of services, the many years of project experience and the comprehensive IT know-how enable EVIATEC Scandinavia ApS to include all company divisions and to maintain an overall view. Because the digitalisation of work processes requires an analysis of your structures and requirements as well as a concept that is suitable for you. With the efficient Enterprise Content Management from ELO, we digitise your business processes by selecting the solution components suitable for your goal and integrating them in such a way that the efficiency and productivity of your workflows are optimised and you can fully exploit the potential of digitisation. High user acceptance, seamless integration options and open standards as well as the scalable product family, a multi-client strategy and the low training effort make ELO the partner of choice. We accompany you through this process: from consulting and concept to project planning and implementation to rollout and operation – including comprehensive maintenance and support service.



Phone: +45 21718230
Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Email: asbjorn.riise(at)eviatec.com


Eviatec Scandinavia ApS
Park Alle 295, 2. floor
2605 Brøndby


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Intelligente Softwarelösungen – passend zu Ihrer Digitalisierungsstrategie

Der Bedarf zur digitalen Informations- und Datenverarbeitung unterscheidet sich bei jedem Unternehmen. Die ELO-Produktpalette bietet für jede Anforderung smarte Software-Lösungen zur Digitalisierung der jeweiligen Fachbereiche.

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Mit unseren Partnerschaften zu weltweit führenden Hard- und Software-Herstellern bieten wir Ihnen optimale Lösungen für…

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